Membuat berita tentang jatuh pesawat lion air menggunakan kalimat suggestion

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Membuat berita tentang jatuh pesawat lion air menggunakan kalimat suggestion

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Membuat berita tentang jatuh pesawat Lion Air menggunakan kalimat suggestion (should).

The National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) revealed new facts about the fall of the Lion Air JT610 aircraft in Tanjung Karawang, West Java.  Basarnas along with several volunteers are still searching for victims of Lion Air JT610 which have not been found after being hit by Tanjung Karawang on Monday (10/29/2018).  The debris of the Lion Air JT610 aircraft and the body of the victim were discovered by the Basarnas who carried out the search in Tanjung Karawang.  Likewise with one part of the data that contains Lion Air JT610 flight data (FDR).  Basarnas also proposed to increase the search period for victims for three days until November 7, 2018.  The National Police DVI Team has also found 27 bodies of Lion Air JT610 passengers.   Meanwhile, from a number of places known to the NTSC it has been successful in downloading the data of the Lion Air aircraft, this type of Boeing 737 Max 8.  With the discovery of large aircraft, wheel parts and turbines, the mystery of the fall of the Lion Air JT 610 began to unfold.  The public claimed to speculate that the JT 610 Lion Air exploded in the air and when it reached the sea, it included only debris. The National Transportation Safety Committee should give the Lion Air a warn or ban them from the air transportation in Indonesia. They have done several mistakes that cause some accident.


Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

  1. Should
  2. Should


Detil Jawaban:

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: B.Inggris

Kategori: Suggestion

Kode: 8.5.4

Kata Kunci: Should, News, Suggestion, Lion Air