Membuat dialog offering untuk 5 orang

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Membuat dialog offering untuk 5 orang

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1 : I;m very tired after playing with you guys.
2 : Yeah, me too, buddy.
3 : Well, Would you like some cake?
4 : No, Thanks. I think you're crazy man. All of us are so thirsty and you offered us a cake?
3 : Hahaha.. I'm just kidding, dude.
5 : How about a glass of coffee?
1 : No, Thanks, but I don’t drink coffee. 
4 : Are you kidding me? 
3 : Hahaha ok, ok, what will you have to drink? 
4 : Mango juice will be fine.
1 : Hmm.. can you get me some ice milk or something cold?
3 : Well, a glass of water would be okay, huh?
1 : Hmm you're so kind buddy. I'm gonna kick you. 
3 : Hahaha.. Ok, ok, how about a glass of strawberry juice?
1 : it sounds cool. 
2 : Well, me too.
5 : Ok. 3, Would you like to accompany me to buy all our drink orders?
3 : sure. let's go buddy.
1 : hurry up please
2 and 4 : by the way, thanks buddy
3 and 5 : no problem, dude