mendeskripsikan rumah sekolah, kamar tidur, kelas, ruangan lainnya, itu termasuk dalam kategori apa? Describing things atau place?

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mendeskripsikan rumah sekolah, kamar tidur, kelas, ruangan lainnya, itu termasuk dalam kategori apa? Describing things atau place?

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


The question above actually has included the answer. The passage of describing house, school, bedroom, classroom and other rooms are obviously put into the category of describing places. Those spots mentioned previously are all places. So you need to describe the size, location, physical condition the stuff in there and its position and so on. It is certainly different from describing object which tells about the size, shape, brand, color, physical condition, function and so on.

Hopefully it's clear enough.

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: writing description

Place, karena itu semua adalah tempat