Menjelaskan tentang benda berdasarkan kalimat verbal nominal dan question word memakai bahasa inggris

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Menjelaskan tentang benda berdasarkan kalimat verbal nominal dan question word memakai bahasa inggris

Question word is the words that use to ask something like place, people, reason, way and so'on.
what, where, why, who, whose, how

Verbal nominal sentence

Before we start learning tenses. Better if we know the form of the sentence. If the English in terms of the predicate, then it can be divided 2 groups.
1. Verbal sentences
Where the predicate is verb
Example : she plays doll every night
2. Nominal sentence
Nominal sentence is a sentence that has peedicate not a verb, but can be an adjective, noun, or adverb. Then the nominal sentence should be inserted auxiliary verb to be like "are, am, is" and were the resource persons/was
Example: she is a doctor
We are smart