Minta tolong dong cerita atau bacaan tentang kereta api or pesawat or mobil buat anak SD tapi dalam bahasa inggris.terimakasih

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Minta tolong dong cerita atau bacaan tentang kereta api or pesawat or mobil buat anak SD tapi dalam bahasa inggris.terimakasih

Tuut..tuut..tuut, how is it sounds like? That right, it's the train. Train is one of the famous transportation in the world. In our country Indonesia also, it is easy to find it. Firstly it was made by the Hollander before our independence then it's continously used as an appropriate transportation with easy and a cheap cost. The train is ridden by an engineer. Some train use an hot coal as a fuel, but some also use another energy resources like electricity, magnets, etc. Like in Japan, they use the magnetic energies. We hope that our beloved country also could develop our mass transportation so we could easily travel anywhere with comfort and safe.