Mohon bantuannya Complete the sentences with the correct word on the right (MAKE or GET)

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1. Some of my friends are animal lovers, I'll __________ them to donate some of their money to help save the endangered animals
2. The population of elephants has dropped dramatically because of many problems. I'll spread the word by making an infographic and posting it on social media. The aim is to _______ people to help save these poor elephants
3. The number of orangutans has shrunk dramatically because they have been largely poached and killed by cruel people. The Endangered Species Act is supposed to __________these criminals stay in jail for years
4. The shrinking population of endangered animals has occurred because of pet trafficking, poaching, and habitat loss. How can we _______ the public to regularly fund the preservation of these animals
5. We have to conserve these critically endangered species. Because orangutans live on trees, preserving them means saving the forest as well. The government actually has the authority to _______ illegal poachers pay a big fine for their misdeed
6. The endangerment of African elephants was due to habitat loss, insufficient public awareness, and ivory trading. The campaign to save these animals hopefully can __________ the authority to strictly enforce the Endangered Species Act
7. Poverty may __________ people have the heart to kill endangered animals. The money they get from selling the animals may save their families from hunger ad death

Mohon bantuannya Complete the sentences with the correct word on the right (MAKE or GET)


1. get

2. get

3. get

4. make

5. make

6. make

7. make