Mohon bantuannya kak

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Create the wq-questions based on the bolded words or phrases below. For pr you are free to make the question:

a. Ann hates the antagonist actor.

b. Galaxy S6 is one of Samsung’s expensive smartphones.

c. I have 3 English Oxford dictionaries.

d. Mom goes to market by bus.

e. Mina has studied English for 2 semesters.

f. Linda’s plane took off at 6am.

g. The Presidential Palace is on Jalan Merdeka.

h. We cook by gas stove.

i. Aluddin is older than Yanti. He is 15 year old.

j. The bags are Siti’s.

k. Winda hates Buki.

l. The campus is 500 meters from here.

m. The bag is really expensive.

Mohon bantuannya kak


a. Ann hates the antagonist actor.

– What kind of actor does Anna hate?

b. Galaxy S6 is one of Samsung’s expensive smartphones.

– What type of Samsung's smartphone is expensive?

c. I have 3 English Oxford dictionaries.

– How many dictionary do you have?

d. Mom goes to market by bus.

– How does mom go to the market?

e. Mina has studied English for 2 semesters.

– How long has Mina studied English?

f. Linda’s plane took off at 6am.

– When did Linda's plane take off?

g. The Presidential Palace is on Jalan Merdeka.

– Where is The Presidential Palace?

h. We cook by gas stove.

– How do you cook?

i. Aluddin is older than Yanti. He is 15 year old.

– Who is older, Aludin or Yanti?

j. The bags are Siti’s.

– Whose bag is it?

k. Winda hates Buki.

– Who does Winda hate?

l. The campus is 500 meters from here.

– How far is the campus from here?

m. The bag is really expensive.

– How much is the bag?


a. actors like what Ann hates?

b. what series is one of the expensive smartphones from Samsung?

c. How many do you have an English Oxford dictionaries?

d. By what mom goes to the market?

e. How long Mina studied English?

f. what time did Linda plane take off?

g. Where is The Presidential Palace?

h. What do you cook with?

i. Who is the oldest among Aluddin and Yanti?

j. whose bag is this?

k. winda hate who?

l. How far The campus from here?

m. Is the bag expensive?

semoga membantu ya bby:))

monmaap klo salah y.