Mohon bantuannya untuk no 1-7

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Mohon bantuannya untuk no 1-7

Mohon bantuannya untuk no 1-7

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Complete the following text using the words in the box

Untuk melengkapi text dibawah ini dengan kata yang tepat, kita perlu membaca teks tersebut secara keseluruhan. Kita juga perlu memahami arti dari masing-masing kata dalam tabel dengan melihat kamus. Kita bisa mencari kata-kata yang cocok dengan membaca kalimat sebelum atau sesudahnya.


implicate ║ tropical ║ known ║ release║ grown ║ sourced ║ avoid ║

Unrecycled plastic is the material to (1) avoid, especially PVC, a substance that's dangerous to both our health and the environment. Its manufacture and incineration (2) release dioxins, a potent carcinogen and hormone disruptor. Additionally, vinyl chloride, the primary building block of PVC, is a (3) known human carcinogen that also poses a threat to workers in factory.

Wood that is not sustainably (4) sourced is to be avoided, especially the (5) tropical hardwoods such as a teak and mahogany, which are the very species associated with the predatory logging in protected forests.

This is not to (6) implicate all hardwoods : many of them are sustainably on (7) grown plantation. The bottom line is support the FSC label when shopping for all woods, whatever the species.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai completing a text silakan kunjungi tautan berikut ini :


Detil jawaban

Kelas : 7

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Understanding the context

Kode : 7.5.8

Kata kunci : text, understanding text, completing text