Moreover, we did not have a driving license. However, I could assure them that the destination was not too far and we would take the small roads.

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We left the house early in the morning. I rode the motorcycle. I rode slowly. My friend said I rode too slowly. He wanted to take over me to ride the motorcycle. I was afraid that he would go fast actually but finally I let him ride the motorcycle. That’s true my friend rode the motorcycle fast. Suddenly another motorcycle moved faster than us. My friend increased the speed of our motorcycle. He didn’t want other motorcycle to run faster than us. You know what happened. He lost his control. Our motorcycle hit the side of the road and both of us fell down. Unfortunately nothing serious happened to us, but it was enough to make my friend learn that what he did was a mistake.

tolong terjemahan kedalam bahasa Indonesia! ​

Moreover, we did not have a driving license. However, I could assure them that the destination was not too far and we would take the small roads.


Bahkan, kita tidak memiliki izin mengendarai. Walaupun begitu, saya dapat memastikan mereka bahwa tujuannya tidak terlalu jauh dan kita dapat melewati jalan kecil. Kita pagi pagi sekali meninggalkan rumah. Saya mengendarai motor. Saya mengendarai sangat pelan. Kata teman saya, saya mengendarainya terlalu pelan. Dia mau menggantikan saya untuk mengendarainya. Saya takut dia akan mengebut tapi akhirnya saya membolehkannya mengendarai motor. Itu benar bahwa teman saya mengendarai motor dengan cepat. Tiba tiba motor lain melaju lebih cepat. Teman saya memambah kecepatan motor kitam Dia tidak mau motor lain untuk melaju lebih cepat dari kita. Kamu tau apa yang terjadi. Dia kehilangan kontrol. Motor kita menabrak sisi jalan dan kita berdua jatuh. Sayangnya, tidak ada yang serius terjadi pada kita, tapi itu cukup untuk membuat saya dan teman saya belajar, apa yang dia lakukan adalah sebuah kesalahan.