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dia adikku,namanya doni,ia berusia 1 tahun,dia lahir tanggal 15 july 2014di suka tersenyum,dan apa lagi pipi nya yang dekik membuat aq dan keluargku suka padanya,dia tinggal bersama paman dan bibiku,ayahnya bernama pauji pekerjaan ayahnya petani sedngkn ibunya bernama wittanti,ia seorang ibu rumah tangga,rumahnya dekat denganku,ia mempunyai 2 saudara tetapi saudaranya lebih jelek dri pada adiknya,mereka dan keluarganya sangat bahagia karna ada kedatangan doni disana yang begitu imut,putih,menggemaskan,doni sangat suka buah alpukat,dan kesukaan makanannya adalah nasi bubur yang hangat dengan telur rebua diatassnya,dan pada sore hari dia sangat senang kalau makan angin.I LOVE MY BROTHER

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Her son, his name Doni, he was 1 year old, she was born on 15 july 2014 she likes to smile, and what his cheeks were indentation made me and my family likes him, he lived with his uncle and aunt, his father named Pauji work of his father farmer, while his mother named Wittanti, she was a housewife, her home was close to me, he has two brothers but his uglier than her sister, and their families are very happy because there was the arrival of Doni there were so cute, white, adorable, Doni really like avocado, and favorite food is rice porridge warm with a poached egg on top, and in the afternoon he was very happy when eating wind . I LOVE MY BROTHER

He is my brother. His name is Doni. He is 1 year old. He was born in 15th july 2014. He likes to smile and his dimple that makes me and my family like him. he lives with my uncle and aunt. his father's name is pauji. his father works as a farmer. his mother's name is Wittanti, she is a housewife. their house is located near my house. he has 2 siblings but his siblings are uglier than him. they and their family are very happy because of Doni that is very cute. he really likes avocado and his favorite food is a warm poridge with an boiled egg on top of it. I LOVE MY BROTHER.