My name is Dion. I’m a fifth grade student at Cemerlang Elementary School. Today

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is Sunday, so my father takes me to a harbour, Harbour is a place on the coast where
ships may moor in shelter. Of course, there are some kinds of water transportation
tools at the harbour.
There are some ships. There are two sailing ships and sailboats. They use
the power of wind. Today they are primarily used for recreation and sports. There
are also some cargo vessels. Cargo vessels are ships that are designed exclusive
for carrying large amounts of cargo. I also see some ferries. Ferries are used for
transporting people, animals, and vehicles over water in places where the bridge
would be impossible to build. I feel so happy to see kinds of ships today.
1. Who is the boy in the text?
2. Where is he now?
3. With whom is he there?
4. Are there kinds of ship there?
5. What ships use the power of wind?
Answer: ​

My name is Dion. I’m a fifth grade student at Cemerlang Elementary School. Today


1. Dion

2. at Harbour

3. with his father

4. yes, there are

5. sailing ships and sailboat