My name is jeni,I want to talk about my body. I have a head with a lor of hair.I have two eyes to see the word.I have two aers to hear sound I have a nose in my face.I have aaround thanks God for my beautiful body

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jeni has….nose to smell jeni has….hands to hold something we have .. .. fingers jeni has two….for hearing I have…..feet for walking around​

My name is jeni,I want to talk about my body. I have a head with a lor of hair.I have two eyes to see the word.I have two aers to hear sound I have a nose in my face.I have aaround thanks God for my beautiful body


jeni has ONE/1 nose to smell jeni has TWO hands to hold something we have TEN/10 fingers jeni has two EARS for hearing i have TWO/2 feet for walking around

Jeni has one/1 nose to smell Jeni has two/2 hands to hold something we have ten/10 fingers Jeni has two ears for hearing i have two/2 feet for walking around.

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