my twin brothers….two years old now,hi everyone! I…..Angga,the new student,,my family and I……happy to see you here,,the new principal’s name….Mr.Kim,,he…..jimmy,my eldest brother,,,,putri and I……in the same class,,A=are you alright,Dina?.B=yes,I……tolong jwb ya penting bsk je..

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my twin brothers….two years old now,hi everyone! I…..Angga,the new student,,my family and I……happy to see you here,,the new principal’s name….Mr.Kim,,he…..jimmy,my eldest brother,,,,putri and I……in the same class,,A=are you alright,Dina?.B=yes,I……tolong jwb ya penting bsk je..

My twin brothers.they are two years old now.hi everyone!i'm angga,the new family and i are happy to see you here.the new principal name (maaf ini agak kurang jelas).He is Jimmy,my eldest brother.Putri and i are in the same class.
a: are you alright?
b: yes,i'm alright/i'm okay/i'm fine/i'm right.
semoga membantu ya.

i am
i am so
yes, iam right