tidak pula terlalu tinggi, rambutnya ikal bergelombang tidak
Keriting dan tidak juga lurus, Dagunya tak lancip kulitnya putih
kemerah-merahan, kepala dan dahinya lebar, mulutnya lebar
dan wangi, pipinya lebar dan tak tampak menjulur tulangnya
bahunya bidang, bulunya yg lebat memanjang dari dada sampai
pusar, Tapak tangan dan kakinya tebal dan halus, laju langkah
nya cepat dan tegap saat menoleh seluruh badanya ikut menoleh
menunjukan pribadi yang menghargai siapapun, diantara 2 bahunya
ada tanda kenabian, begitu berwibawa dan amat lembut dan
ramah, keringatnya putih bersih mengkilap seperti mutiara,
Baunya sangat harum apa bahasa inggrisnya
Nabi muhammad memiliki Perawakan sedang tidak terlalu pendek
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has a medium-sized body: not too short and not too tall. He's wavy-haired: not too frizzy and not too straight. His chin is not pointed, and has reddish-white skin. With wide head and forehead, and wide mouth with fresh breath. His cheek is wide without cheekbone presence. His shoulders are broad, with chest hair extending from chest to his belly button. The palms of his hands and feet are thick and smooth-textured.
When he was still alive he had been known for his rapid and steady walk down the road, showing his appreciativeness when turning his head and body and stare at people around him. There was a sign of prophecy in the middle of his shoulders. He's so respectable, tenderhearted and genial to everyone. His fragrant sweat was purely white and shining as lustrous as pearl. 😉