Negate the following sentences.

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1) Tony arrived in Chicago at 11.30. ______________________________________

2) We are cleaning the kitchen. ______________________________________

3) The shop assistant has checked the cash register. ______________________________________

4) The train leaves from platform 7. ______________________________________

5) Susan likes cheese. ______________________________________

6) You'll like this village. ______________________________________

7) They are going to buy a cheap car. ______________________________________

8) He has invited Andy to his party. ______________________________________

9) Mary was late. ______________________________________

10) Mel will be 14 next Sunday. ______________​

Negate the following sentences.


  1. Tony did not arrive in Chicago at 11:30.
  2. We are not cleaning the kitchen.
  3. The shop assistant has not checked the cash register.
  4. The train does not leave from platform 7.
  5. Susan does not like cheese.
  6. You won't like this village.
  7. They are not going to buy a cheap car.
  8. He has not invited Andy to his party.
  9. Mary was not late.
  10. Mel will not be 14 next Sunday.


Karena perintahnya untuk menegasi (mengubah ke bentuk negatif) maka tinggal tambahkan kata not di belakang auxiliary verbnya (to be, modal, have/has, etc.)

Jika tidak ada auxiliary verbnya, maka tambahkan do/does/did sesuai subjek dan tense verb yang ada (leaves > does, arrived > did, likes > does)