Leon: " Dara,Next weekend will be held a charity concert Do you want to go there with me?
Dara : "That sounds good but I can't next weekend"
Leon : "Hmmm…Okay Dara"
Dara : "maybe next time I can"
Leon : "Okay,Bye"
Dara : "Bye"
After That Dara and Leon Went to Different Direction.
Tolong Dijadikan Narasi/Paragraf Dong,Saya Kurang Mengerti.
Next Weekend Will Be Held A Charity Concert.Leon offer Dara To go the charity concert together.
Menjadikan sebuah dialog ke dalam bentuk narasi/paragraf adalah dengan beberapa cara, diantaranya adalah menambahkan kata sambung, mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif, dll. Berikut adalah contohnya.
Leon was offering Dara to come with him to attend a charity concert. The even will be held on the next weekend. Dara said that she is interested with the concert but unfortunately she is not able to do it next weekend. Leon was disappointed, but there is no other choice. So Dara was cheering him by telling that maybe next time she will come with Leon to other event. After that, they said goodbye and went to different location.
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang writing paragraph:
Detil Jawaban
Kelas : SMP
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Stating request, ability and uses of 'will'
Kata kunci : Dialog to paragraph
Kode : 8.5.2