nomer 1 simpel present, nomer 2 simple past, nomer 3 simple future.. minta tolong di ubah sesuai rumus

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nomer 1 simpel present, nomer 2 simple past, nomer 3 simple future.. minta tolong di ubah sesuai rumus

nomer 1 simpel present, nomer 2 simple past, nomer 3 simple future.. minta tolong di ubah sesuai rumus

1. A. I know continental cuisine.
B. I know about food.
C. I cook.

2. A. I didn't know the world of cooking.
B. I couldn't cook.
C. I didn't know how to greet the guest.
D. I didn't know table set up.

3. A. I will practice the science got from food.
B. I will be an enterpreneur.
C. I will be a chef.
D. I will achieve my dream.