not. You don’t understand what I mean, there is something you have to help, there is someone in my house, I don’t know who he is, he is in front of my house, I am very scared, I want to call my friend, but I am afraid he will hear my voice. Anyone help me!​

Posted on

not. You don’t understand what I mean, there is something you have to help, there is someone in my house, I don’t know who he is, he is in front of my house, I am very scared, I want to call my friend, but I am afraid he will hear my voice. Anyone help me!​


tidak. anda tidak mengerti apa yang saya maksud, ada sesuatu yang harus anda bantu. ada seseorang dirumah saya, saya tidak tahu siapa dia,dia didepan rumah saya,saya sangat takut, saya ingin menelepon teman saya.tetapi saya takut dia akan mendengar suara saya. siapapun bantu saya!