Number 1

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Lala : are you coming in lika’s birthday party to night?

Kaka  : …. she has invited me. I haven’t got the invitation yet.

A. may be

B. of course

C. it’s possible

D. I don’t think

Number 2

Nami : do you think that publishing this news will mean a huge increase in our sales volume?

Inem : …. but it’s worth considering

A. I agree

B. I don’t think so

C I’m not sure

D. I’m confused

Number 3

Mrs Mala : If I do not have certificate showing ownership of property for the guarantee, will the bank lend me some money?

Mrs Puff : I can’t say that for sure

The underlined sentence is used to express …..

A. asking for certainty

B. uncertainty

C. disagreement

D. suggestion

This dialogue below is for number 4, 5, and 6

Andi : Do we have any Science homework for tomorrow?

Ardi : Huh! Sorry, what did you say? It’s very noisy here.

Andi : I said, Do we have any Science homework for tomorrow?

Ardi : Yes. Mr. Doni told us to do the Science homework for tomorrow.

Andi : Is that true?

Ardi : Yes, it is.

Andi : Thank you. I have to go home now.

Number 4

The underlined is showing ….

A. asking for clarification

B. expressing gratitude

C. asking and giving information

D. asking for repetition

Number 1


No 1.a


     3.dan 4 saya nggak tau


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