Omplete the following sentences by choosing the best answer in the bracketed!

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1. If all students obey the school rules, ihey get good points. (should/can/
2. If you want to be home at 6 p.m., you finish your job soon. (should/can/may)
3. If you want to have a dinner with us,
now! (studies/studied/study)
4. If you go to store,
me some meals. (buy/buys/bought)
5. If it's raining, she wear raincoat. (should/can/may)
6. _ride my car fast if I want to be here before sunset. (should/can/may)
7. If you give me my money back, you borrow my book. (may/should/must)
8. If they pass the national exam, they be a university student. (should/can/may)
I use your phone if I get back soon? (should/must/can)
10. If we want to help others, we be rich. (have to/don't have to/doesn't have to)​

Omplete the following sentences by choosing the best answer in the bracketed!

can I not speak Englis


oyah itu di translet

1.Jika semua siswa mematuhi peraturan sekolah, mereka mendapat poin bagus. (harus / bisa / harus)

2.. Jika Anda ingin pulang jam 6 sore, Anda akan segera menyelesaikan pekerjaan Anda. (harus / bisa / mungkin) 3. Jika Anda ingin makan malam bersama kami, sekarang! (belajar / belajar / belajar)

3.Jika Anda ingin makan malam bersama kami, sekarang! (belajar / belajar / belajar)

4.Jika Anda pergi ke toko, saya 7makan. (beli / beli / beli)

5Jika hujan, dia memakai jas hujan. (harus / bisa / mungkin)

6_mobilku cepat jika aku ingin berada di sini sebelum matahari terbenam. (harus / bisa / mungkin)

7Jika Anda mengembalikan uang saya, Anda meminjam buku saya. (mungkin / harus / harus)

8Jika mereka lulus ujian nasional, mereka sudah menjadi mahasiswa. (harus / bisa / mungkin)

9Saya menggunakan ponsel Anda jika saya segera kembali? (harus / harus / bisa)

10Jika kita ingin membantu orang lain, kita menjadi kaya. (harus / tidak harus / tidak harus)