Apa yang dimaksud unsur yang membangun cerita sejarah! Unsur yang luas mengenai kehidupan manusia pada tempat yang berbeda-beda dan waktu.
30/45 dibulatkan ke pecahan campuran adalah
30/45 dibulatkan ke pecahan campuran adalah Jawaban: gak bisa jadi pecahan campuran bisanya kedesimal kak soalnya jawabanya 2/3 kalo mau […]
Sebutkan 10 transportasi di indonesia menggunakan bahasa inggris, beserta asal daerahnya
Sebutkan 10 transportasi di indonesia menggunakan bahasa inggris, beserta asal daerahnya car bus motorcycle bicycle buggy pedicab wagon oxcart hay […]
The following expressions are commonly used to greet someone, except…
25 poinA. How is life?B. How are you doing?C. What are you doingD. How are things with you?tolong jawab yang […]
If he didn’t speak so quickly, you…. (understand) him
could understand can understood can understand could understood If he didn’t speak so quickly, you…. (understand) him could understand semoga […]
1. Where does the dialog probably take place ?
(20 Poin) 2. Who wants to go to bookstore ?(20 Poin) 3. Why does Dika not want to accompany Ardi […]
Massa Adalah……
a.besarnya gaya tarik bumi terhadap benda tersebut b.kuantitas yang terkandung dalam suatu benda c.mempunyai nilai sama dengan berat d.mendekati massa […]
Apa tujuan dari uji urine pada orang yang hamil?
Apa tujuan dari uji urine pada orang yang hamil? Jawaban Terkonfirmasi Tes urin pada orang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dalam […]
Contoh laporan hasil observasi tema lingkungan hidup
Contoh laporan hasil observasi tema lingkungan hidup Bisa kayak gini: definisi umu:lingkungan alami adalah lingkungan yang masih asli, dan belum […]
Rewrite the expression of giving opinion found in the tex? In my opinion are still many people who litter in the river. Most of the doers are housewives. In suppose they don’t have place to throw rubbish around their homes. They just think how to get rid of their rubbish from their homes. They don’t realize the effects of throwing rubbish in they river. Yesterday, I saw a woman brought two plastic bags of rubbish and therw them in the river. She thought was okay. I think to whom is concemed should pay attention to this matter
Rewrite the expression of giving opinion found in the tex? In my opinion are still many people who litter in […]