Part 1. Semua kalimat berikut ini mengandung bagian yang salah. Garis bawahi bagian yang salah pada

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kalimat tersebut kemudian tulislah koreksi kalian pada bagian yang telah disediakan dengan warna biru
Nomor satu adalah contoh
1. Eventhough the sun was shone very brightly, Zaini continued working in the garden Was shinning
2. Aisya like Vando since he always has a lot of pocket money,
3. Zahra must take care of Bila, her hamster. Therefore, she always feeds it before leave for school
every morning.
Daffa will go to Odil's house but he has to wait until the rain has subside completely
5. There is two students in this class who talk too much and seldom do the given tasks.
6. Mrs. Attaya Faza always tolds us to study more seriously and diligently.
7. Eko cheated Fawwas in the last test because he couldn't to answer the questions.
8. If Gladis studies more serious, I am sure she will gain a good score in the next test.
9. Idham didn't have a pen to write but nobody in this class wanted to borrow him one.
10. Since Julia got the best score in art examination, she given a novel by Mr. Fajar as a present.
11. Karina got a good score in Math because he was cheated Kurnia's work in the last test.
Part II. Direction : Tulis ulang dan gabungkan kedua kalimat berikut menggunakan salah satu conjuction
yang benar: since, because, although, eventhough, but, therefore, atau so that.
1. Lydia was sick. Lydia didn't want to take her medicine.
2. Lifia hates Hanif. Hanif never disturbs her at all.
3. Naverta was very hungry. Navertata went to canteen with Fadly.
4. Marsha kept talking about Raden to her friends. Mr. Saputra had warned her to keep silent.
5. Mr. Ragil's lesson was so interesting. Yuni fell asleep in the class.
6. Rizkya's Mom didn't want to give more pocket money. Rizkya cried and broke a glass.
7. The car stopped in a sudden. Mutiaraa and Serly were crossing the street.
8. The police asked Syauqi to stop his motorbike. Syauqi smiled and increased the speed.
9. Wilda couldn't say a word. Satria Pratama expressed his feeling frankly.
10. Taqiyo goes to pray in the mosque more often. He promised to himself to be a better person.
Part III. Baca teks dan jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan kalimat lengkap.
Gentlemen's Tailor
• Suits, shirts and trousers made to
• Suits made in 48 hours
All shirts made in 24 hours
Phone: 0895346025631
Jl. Kolonel Wiratama 48, Alengka
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Does Elisa davisco tailor make dresses? Why?
3. If we order 3 shirts, the Tailor can finish them in how many days?
4. What kind of clothing is suits?
5. Where is the tailor situated?​

Part 1. Semua kalimat berikut ini mengandung bagian yang salah. Garis bawahi bagian yang salah pada



2. Aisya likes Vando since he always has a lot of pocket money

3. Zahra must take care of Bila, her hamster. Therefore, she always feeds it before leaving for UI school every morning

4. Daffa will go to Odil's house but he has to wait until the rain subsides completely

5. There are two students in this class who talk too much and seldom do the given tasks.

6. Mrs. Attaya Faza always tells us to study more seriously and diligently.

7. Eko cheated Fawwas in the last test because he couldn't answer the questions.

8. If Gladis studies more seriously, I am sure she will gain a good score in the next test.

9. Idham didn't have a pen to write but nobody in this class wanted to lend him one.

10. Since Julia got the best score in art examination, she was given a novel by Mr. Fajar as a present.

11. Karina got a good score in Math because he cheated Kurnia's work in the last test.