Passive voice!!

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1. They speak sundanese in west java.
2. They are fixing my car today.
3. People grow rice in indonesian .
4. My mother made this clothes .
5. Someone invited the weel thousand of years ago.
6. People expect better result soon
7. People are destroying large areas of forest everyday
8. I hope they will have completed all the assignment by tomorrow
9. Somebody has bought the land next to our house

Passive voice!!

1.sundanese in west in java is spoken by them car is being fixed by them

3.rice is growen by people in indonesian

4. this clothes was made by my mother

5. the weel thousand of years ago was invited by someone

6.better result soon is expected by someone

7.large of forest is being destroyed by people

8.i hope all the assignment will have been completed by them

9.the land next  to our house has been bought by somebody