Past Simple or Present Perfect

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1. Jack ….. (live) in Boston for the past 15 years. *

2. Janet ….. (work) for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us. *

3. Peter …..(play) Tennis for five years when he ……(be) at school *

4. Can you help me? I …..(finish) my homework, but I still don't understand number 7. *

5. I …. (work) in Italy for 5 years. I ….(begin) work as soon as I arrived. *

6. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I ……. (eat/already) *

7. When Jack was at school, he ……(learn) to play the saxophone. He …..(play) it ever since. *

8. Could you give some advice? I ….(buy) this sweater at Mary's yesterday. Do you think I should take it back? *

9. "I know Mary Morris." "Really? How long …..(you/know) her?". ' Oh, for quite a lonng time'. When ……(you/ first/ meet) her?' *

10. It's 11 o'clock in the morning ………. (you/see) Paul this morning? Yes, I …… (see) him when I …..(arrive) in the officee, but he ……(go) out soon afterwards. *

tolong ya kak dikumpulkan hari ini soalnya

Past Simple or Present Perfect


1. lived

2. worked

3. played, was

4. have finished

5. have worked, began

6. have already eaten

7. learned, has played

8. bought

9. have you known, did you first meet

10. have you seen, saw, arrived, went

#sekian Dan terimakasih:)


  1. has lived
  2. worked
  3. played – was
  4. have finished
  5. have worked – began
  6. have already eaten
  7. learned – has played
  8. bought
  9. did you know – did you first meet
  10. have you seen – saw – arrived – went


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