Pengertian dari deposi slip order form registration form
Here is the definition of deposit slip, order form, and registration form.
Deposit slip
Deposit slip is a piece of paper which is filled in by a client before depositing cash into an account. This slip is used as a requirement to deposit an amount of money to someone's savings. This slip is generally used in a bank. This slip contains the date of depositing, the client's name, the client's account number, the amount of money deposited, and the client's signature.
Order form
Order form is a commercial document which is filled in by customers and used to order goods from a company. This form contains The company name, client's information, types, quantities, and agreed prices of products ordered.
Registration form
Registration form is a form which is filled out by the registrars of an organization, a business company, a club, or an event before entering the organization, business company, club, or event. This form is used as an archive of the registrars' identity. This for contains the personal information of the registrars, such as name, age, gender, occupation, address, telephone number, and e-mail
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kategori: deposit slip, order form, and registration form.