percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang ayah sakitpercakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang tema Ayah sakit
Andi : Hi Dita!
Dita : Oh, Hi Andi
Andi : Why you Look sad?
Dita : Because my father are sick, and i can't go to the amusement park
Andi : Ow, that's very sad, but are you really not sorry for your father?
Dita : yes, you're right, I should feel sorry for my father
Andi : Don't be sad, there is still time to go wherever you want
Dita : Thank you Andi, because of you I am cheerful again and not sad, I promise I will take good care of my father so he does not get sick again
Andi : It's my job to make my friend cheer up again
Dita : thank you Andi, you are my bestfriend
Andi : Your welcomeJawaban:
Disini menjelaskan bahwa dita bersedih karna dia tdk bisa pergi ketaman hiburan, tapi temannya, Andi menghiburnya agar dia kembali ceria dan tidak bersedih. sekian terima kasih, maaf kalo salah ya~