percakapan bahasa inggris menggunakan attract attention, asking and giving appreciation, check someone understanding and giving opinion
A : hi guys ! {attract attention}
B : hi A !
C : hi A !
A : hey i brought something to show you
B : what is it, A ?
C : yeah, tell us
A : this is my painting, i paint it myself. My painting look good, is not it ? {asking for appreciation}
B : yeah, you is an awesome illustrator {giving opinion}
C : good, perfect proportion, how is the step to create a panting like that ? {giving opinion}
: yeah. First, i prepare the tools. Second, i observe the object that i
want to paint. Three, i start painting with a combine of my
imagination, do you understand what i mean ? {checking for understanding}
B : of course, i understand
C : yeah, that is a simple explanation