Place yourself in shoes of a person who gets bullied everyday at school. How would you feel? Write down your feelings and what would you do about it.

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Place yourself in shoes of a person who gets bullied everyday at school. How would you feel? Write down your feelings and what would you do about it.

I would feel sad, depressed and would start thinking about committing suicide. I mean, what's wrong with the people bullying (in this case) me? I don't think I ever offend them, and even if I ever do that, it's not right to bully someone. Just because I don't have any back up and they are moving in group, it doesn't make them have the right to bully me.
If I ever get bullied, I don't know what will I do. I mean, I want to just tell straight to my parents about someone bullying me, but I don't want to make them worry. I can tell any adult people in this world that I got bullied. But, what if it get worse? So, I don't know what am I going to do in this situation. I just hope, that if I ever get bullied (I hope not, and never), I want to make sure that I get a place to go back, a place that feels like home. It can be parents, family, friends, anyone who can cheer me up after what I get through in school. I think that will make me feel better and avoid me to get depressed.

I feel sad and want to die at that time. bullied is a criminal and i hope everyone who bullies someone will have same thing what they do to someone.