Please Jawab yang benar dong
- Say it together
- Repeat after me
- Come forward please
- Listen to my instructions carefully
- Open your text book on page 135
- Your workbook pass to the front
- Practice the dialogue for five minutes
- Use a black pen to write the answer
- Write your answer on your workbook
- Raise your hand if you have any question
- Katakan itu bersama
- Ulangi setelah aku
- Silahkan maju
- Dengarkan ke instruksiku hati-hati
- Buka buku mu di halaman 135
- Buku tugasmu dekat di depan
- Praktekkan dialog itu pada 5 menit
- Gunakan sebuah pulpen hitam untuk menulis jawaban itu
- Tulis jawaban mu di buku tugas mu
- Angkat tanganmu jika kamu mempunyai beberapa pertanyaan
1.say it together
2.repeat after me
3.come forward please
4.listen to my instruction s carefully your textbook on page 135
6.pass your workbook to the front
7.practice the dialogue for five minutes
8.use a black pen to write the answer
9.write your answer on your notebook
10.raise your hand if you have any questions