Please read the slides well specifically about expressions of agreement and disagreement then create a dialogue with the topic: you are having a meeting in your company and there is an employee who doesn’t agree with your boss’s decision because of one reason. finally they discuss some solutions and make another decision. submit it in word!

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Please read the slides well specifically about expressions of agreement and disagreement then create a dialogue with the topic: you are having a meeting in your company and there is an employee who doesn’t agree with your boss’s decision because of one reason. finally they discuss some solutions and make another decision. submit it in word!


I think we need to keep respect to our Boss as a leader and the decision must be accepted with logical thinking. our leader know what do we need for our company


dalam sebuah meeting kita perlu menjunjung hak berpendapat tapi tidak menghilangkan rasa hormat dan penghargaan kepada pemimpin kita di perusahaan.seorang pemimpin tahu apa yang terbaik untuk karyawan dan perusahaannya meski pendapat karyawan akan bisa menambah nilai nilai demokrasi tetapi tidak mengurangi rasa hormat dan adab terhadap pemimpin