Please write, how to ask the condition of someone​

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Please write, how to ask the condition of someone​


You can say:"How are you?" or "Are you alright?"


Karen: Hello, Rick! (Halo, Rick)

Rick: Hi, Karen. I thought you were in New York. (Hey, Karen. Aku pikir kamu ada di New York)

Karen: I was, but I took an early morning flight as soon as I heard that your son got car accident. (Memang, tapi aku langsung naik penerbangan pagi setelah tahu bahwa putramu mengalami kecelakaan mobil)

Rick: You shouldn’t have come here. (Kamu tidak usah repot-repot datang ke sini)

Karen: But I was so worried. I am your son’s godmother after all. Anyway, how is he? (Tetapi aku sangat khawatir. Lagi pula, aku kan ibu baptis putramu. Ngomong-ngomong bagaimana keadaannya?)

Rick: He is fine. He only gets some minor bruises on his body. The doctor even said that he could get discharged today. (Dia baik-baik saja. Dia hanya menderita memar-memar biasa. Dokter bahkan bilang dia bisa pulang hari ini juga)

Karen: Oh thank God. (Oh syukurlah)

Percakapan 5

Shirley: How have you been feeling? (Bagaimana keadaanmu?)

Nellie: I haven’t been feeling so good lately. My head has been hurting, and I haven’t been sleeping well. (Aku tidak merasa enak badan akhir-akhir ini. Kepalaku sakit dan aku tidak bisa tidur nyenyak)

Shirley: That’s terrible! Have you seen the doctor? (Mengerikan! Kamu sudah menemui dokter?)

Nellie: I haven’t yet, but I have been taking aspirin to ease the pain. (Belum, tapi aku minum aspirin untuk meringankan rasa sakitnya)

Shirley: That is not good, Nellie. You have to see the doctor. (Itu buruk, Nellie. Kamu harus menemui dokter)

Nellie: I know, but I am too busy to do that. (Aku tahu, tapi aku terlalu sibuk untuk menemui dokter)

Shirley: Would you like me to arrange an appointment with the doctor for you? (Apakah kamu ingin aku mengatur janji dengan dokter untukmu?)

Nellie: Yes, please. Thanks, Shirley. That’s really a great help. (Ya, tolong. Terima kasih, Shirley. Itu sangat membantu)

Shirley: No problem. I just want you to be healthy again. (Tidak masalah. Aku hanya ingin kamu kembali sehat).

Maaf jika kurang tepat