Plis bntuin mau dikumpulinn, tugas b.inggris kls 9​

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Plis bntuin mau dikumpulinn, tugas b.inggris kls 9​

Plis bntuin mau dikumpulinn, tugas b.inggris kls 9​


miss yanti : congratulations thinneke, you got an A for your science project

thinneke : thankyou

miss yanti : keep up the good work

thinneke : i will

binsar : i heard that you won the silver medal in a writing contest last week

atiqah : yes, that's right

binsar : wow, that's great congratulations

atiqah : thankyou

semoga membantu



miss yanti : Congratulations Thinneke. You got an A For your Science project

Thinneke : Thank You

miss Yanti : Keep up the good work

Thinneke ; I Will.


Binsar : I heard that you won the silver medal in a writing contest last week

Atiqah : Yes , That's Right

Binsar : wow , that's great ! Congratulations!

Atiqah :THANK You