Pliss bantu jawab soal ini, ni buat nyari jawabannya

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The geography of Indonesia's islands varies but it consists mainly of coastal valleys. Some of Indonesia's larger islands, Sumatra and Java for example, have large interior mountains. Because the 13,466 islands that make up Indonesia are located on the two continental shelves, many of these mountains are volcanic and there are some crater lakes on the islands. Java for instance has 50 active volcanoes. Because of its location, natural disasters, especially earthquakes, are common in Indonesia .. On December 26, 2004, a 9.3 magnitude earthquake struck in the Indian Ocean which triggered a large tsunami that devastated many Indonesian islands. Indonesia's climate is tropical with hot and humid weather in lower elevations. In the highlands of Indonesia's islands, temperatures are more moderate. Indonesia also has a wet season that lasts from October to March. You should know that Indonesia is the world fourth most populous country, behind China, India and the United States. Indonesia is the world largest Muslim country. The life expectancy in Indonesia is 69.6 years. Indonesian is the official language but English and other native languages ​​are also spoken.​

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Pliss bantu jawab soal ini, ni buat nyari jawabannya

Pliss bantu jawab soal ini, ni buat nyari jawabannya

8. The life expetancy of the Indonesian people is 69.6 years

9. The official language is Indonesian

10. The wet season starts from October to March

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