Pliss jawab yang jawab semoga rejekinya di lipat gamdaaa yang jwb iu pollow​

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Pliss jawab yang jawab semoga rejekinya di lipat gamdaaa yang jwb iu pollow​

Pliss jawab yang jawab semoga rejekinya di lipat gamdaaa yang jwb iu pollow​


13. I think her house is very extraordinary and also unique.

14. I think it's like her tree house but, with a secret room.

15. More important is having three bedrooms, two bathroom, and living room beacuse we don't really need two living rooms.


semoga bermanfaat jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya


13. fantastic. it's a big tree house

14. playground

15. having three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a living room because it's enough