Plsss jawab sekarang semuanya ya kk plssssss

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Plsss jawab sekarang semuanya ya kk plssssss

Plsss jawab sekarang semuanya ya kk plssssss


2. play outside

3. wear a uniform

4. save my money

5. find the key

6. wake up early

7. vote

8. respect

9. wear a raincoat

10. stay up late


2. you should use umbrella in rain weather

3. you have to do exercise once a week every month

4. she has to have a breakfast every morning

5. you should to wear boots in the snow field

6. she has to clean the bedroom regularly after wake up

7. Dayu has to wear a sunglasses on a sunny day at Bali island

8. Dion has to study everyday to make him clever

*silahkan dikoreksi kalo ada yang salah ^^