Poin banyak!

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You and your friends are chatting in the classroom suddenly, you hear an announcement saying that the flag hoisting ceremony will begin soon all students should go to the schoolyard to attend it. You get your friend's attention to the announcement

Buatlah dialog minimal 10 percakapan dalam 2 orang!


Poin banyak!


A: Hey B, Good morning, How are you today?

B: Hello A, Good morning too, im very well today

A: Oh well, good then B 🙂

B: I think so 🙂

A: Do we have any home work today B?

B: No, we don't

A: Oh really? Thanks then B

B: No problem


A:Oh B, the flag ceremonty announcement! Do you bring your hat?

B:Of course A do you bring yours?

A:Oh my gosh, i'm forget to bring my hat!

B:Really? How can you forget?

A:I forgot to get it in my bag last night

B:Oh you need to be more careful then A.

A:I think so

B:Good then and come on hurry up and buy the hat in the school shop.

A:I don't bring my money

B:I'll lend it

A:Thank you so much B

B:No problem. Let's just hurry up and get to the field right now.


