Practice 12

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Answer the following question's based on the advertisement boogey pet shop jl.sultan agung Jakarta qet your pet number I food there are provide
-Cat good | need persian's stameuse doailmation lablaudror at ver it labuan greed And pigeons
-dog good | come to are to our shap and take them
-bird good | home reosolole price open daily gain

1.what can you buy from the baogey pet shop?
2.are they selling pet good?give you reason.
3.can we buy cat or bird there I why
4.what is the meaning by reasonable price?

Tolong bantu jawab soal nya ya! Please………….!!!!!,,,!

Practice 12

1. cat,dog,and bird
2. yes, they are
3. yes, we can
4. harga yg wajar

sorry yg no 3 aku gk tau deh reason nya
semoga bisa bantu ya