Questions : 26 to 40

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Directions :
From questions 26-40, four clauses/sentences,
marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are given beneath
each incomplete dialog. Choose the one clause/
sentence that best completes the dialog. Then,
on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and mark your answer.

26. Penerapan
Damar : How long have you been in Bali?
Ayu …………, and I have a house here.
So, it's impossible for me to leave Bali.
A. I lived in Bali since I left school.
B. I've been living in Bali for 10 years.
C. I had lived in Bali when I left school.
I would have lived in Bali by next
27. Penerapan
Santy : It's raining heavily outside, 1
can't go home.
Tara : ………… I have one in my room.
Santy : Yes, please. I'm glad to hear
A. Do you have an umbrella?
B. May I borrow your umbrella?
C. Can I have your umbrella?
D. Do you need an umbrella?​

Questions : 26 to 40


26. C (insya allah bener)

27. D

26. C. i’ve been living in bali for 10 years

Arti :
Damar: Sudah berapa lama kamu tinggal di bali?
Ayu: (C) aku sudah tinggal di bali 10 tahun,dan aku punya rumah disini

27. D. Do you need an umbrella?

Santy: Diluar sedang hujan deras,aku tidak bisa pulang ke rumah
Tara: (D) kamu membutuhkan payung?,aku punya satu di kamarku