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1. how did the writer feel when she knew that afgan was coming to town?

2.did the writer want to see the concert?

3.when and where was the meet-and-greet event?

4.what is afganism? did the fans wait for afgan?

6.what did afgan do when he showed up in the lobby? did the fans react when afgan sang his hit single? did the writer feel when she finally got the turn to get afgan's signature?

9.did she feel nervous?

10.what is the writer's opinion about the meet-and-greet event?

11.why do you think people like afgan? there something in the text that is not relevant to your life? why?

13.have you heard or read a text about a similar event?

[tolong bantu jawab, terimakasih]​



Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. How did the writer feel when she knew that afgan was coming to town ?

  • She is very happy  

2. Did the writer want to see the concert ?

  • Yes, she did  

3. When and where was the meet-and-greet event ?

  • On saturday morning, at a local radio station  

4. What is afganism ?

  • Afgan's fans are called  

5. How did the fans wait for Afgan ?

  • They sat on the chairs prepared inside the radio station's lobby  

6. What did afgan do when he showed up in the lobby ?

  • He is singing his hit single  

7. How did the fans react when afgan sang his hit single?

  • They go crazy by screaming of Afgan's name  

8. How did the writer feel when she finally got the turn to get afgan's   signature ?

  • She was speechless and feeling unreal  

9. Did she feel nervous ?

  • No, she did not  

10. What is the writer's opinion about the meet-and-greet event ?

  • He think that day is one of the best day in her life  

11. Why do you think people like Afgan ?

  • Because he is friendly and amazing person  

12. Is there something in the text that is not relevant to your life ? why ?

  • No, it is not because I also one of afgan fans  

13. Have you heard or read a text about a similar event ?

  • Yes, I have    



1. Bagaimana perasaan penulis ketika dia tahu bahwa afgan akan datang ke kota?

  • Dia sangat bahagia  

2. Apakah penulis ingin melihat konsernya?

  • Ya, dia melakukannya  

3. Kapan dan di mana acara temu sapa?

  • Pada hari Sabtu pagi, di stasiun radio lokal  

4. Apa itu afganisme?

  • Fans Afgan dipanggil  

5. Bagaimana fans menunggu Afgan?

  • Mereka duduk di kursi yang disiapkan di dalam lobi stasiun radio  

6. Apa yang dilakukan afgan saat dia muncul di lobi?

  • Dia menyanyikan single hitnya  

7. Bagaimana reaksi fans saat afgan menyanyikan single hitnya?

  • Mereka menggila dengan meneriakkan nama Afgan  

8. Bagaimana perasaan penulis ketika akhirnya mendapat giliran untuk mendapatkan tanda tangan afgan?

  • Dia tidak bisa berkata-kata dan merasa tidak nyata  

9. Apakah dia merasa gugup?

  • Tidak, dia tidak melakukannya

10. Bagaimana pendapat penulis tentang acara meet and greet ini?

  • Dia pikir hari itu adalah salah satu hari terbaik dalam hidupnya  

11. Menurutmu, mengapa orang menyukai Afgan?

  • Karena dia orang yang ramah dan luar biasa  

12. Apakah ada sesuatu dalam teks yang tidak relevan dengan hidupmu? kenapa?

  • Bukan, ini bukan karena saya juga salah satu fans afgan  

13. Apakah kamu pernah mendengar atau membaca teks tentang peristiwa serupa?

  • Ya, aku pernah

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