Quezzzz ✨

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➡ tuliskan 10 kalimat dalam bentuk
present ferfect tense

Dah tuh aja :'

No copas !!
jangan asal !!

btw brenli sepi amat :v

Quezzzz ✨


Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

•I have been to France.

•I think I have seen that movie before.

•Joan has studied two foreign languages.

•I've been to Bali three times. Have you ever been there?

•How many times have you traveled abroad?

•He has read the book for three hours.

•She has moved to New York since February.

•Since yesterday, my parents have stayed in Bogor.

•Bryan has sent a letter to his sister since two days ago.

•I have visited my grandparents in Palembang for two days.

di jadiin jawaban terbaik ya~~

maaf kalau salah*∆*

dan semoga membantu^∆^


• He loves to plays basketball.

• He goes to work everyday.

• Does he go to school?

• She Writes a book for her best friend.

• He thinks he is very stupid.

• It usually rains every day here.

• It smells very delicious in the restaurant.

• He gets up at 5 o'clock every day.


Semoga membantu