Quizz Bhs.Inggris.

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Text for no. 1-4

{ red{ boxed{ orange{ boxed{ green{ boxed{ bold{Text}}}}}}}}

My name is Rina. I live with my parents. My father is a doctor. My mother is a house wife. She spends all of her time to take
care of me. She always makes a delicious and health food for me. My father works in the hospital. He examines his patients every day. He also writes a prescription to them. My father always gives smile to his patients. He never speaks loudly to his patients. He always explains his patients disease clearly. His patients always feel comfortable with my father.


{ red{ boxed{ orange{  boxed{ green{ boxed{ bold{Objective}}}}}}}}

1. What is her father?
a. He is doctor.
b. He is teacher.
c. He is security.
d. He is server.


2. What does he do in the hospital?
a. He cooks delicious food.
b. He examines his patients.
c. He serves the patients who want to take the medicine.
d. He gives money to the patients.


3. How is her father?
a. He is grumpy.
b. He is wicked.
c. He is friendly.
d. He is temperament.


4. Is father patients?
a. Yes, he is.
b. No, he isn't,
c. No, he doesn't.
d. Yes, he does.

Lakukan Dengan Jujur Dan Benar.


Quizz Bhs.Inggris.


1. What is her father?

A. He is doctor

2. What does he do in the hospital?

B. He examines his patients

3. How is her father?

C. He is friendly

4. Is father patients?

B. No, he isn't,



  • No 1 :

Jawabannya A, Karena terlihat dari teks di atas yaitu: My father is a doctor.

  • No 2 :

Jawabannya B, karena dalam teks tersebut terdapat kalimat : He examines his patients every day.

  • No 3 :

Jawabannya C, Karena dalam text tersebut terdapat kalimat : My father always gives smile to his patients.He never speaks loudly to his patients. He always explains his patients disease clearly. His patients always feel comfortable with my father.

Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ayahnya seorang yang Friendly.

  • No 4 :

Jawabannya B, Karena Ayahnya seorang dokter, bukan seorang pasien. dan buktinya terdapat pada kalimat :

My father is a doctor.

My father works in the hospital.


~smoga membantu~

~maaf bila ada jawaban yg kurang tepat~