Quizzz bahasa inggris

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1. Anto and Rina are … Rounders with their friends in the park now.

2. I am short, but my sister is …

3. My grandmother looks old, but my grandpa still looks …

4. A : … do you get up?
B : At five o'clock

5. I always … My mom in the kitchen.

6. I am rather fat, my brother isn't. He is ..

7. A: … Comics do you have?
B: I have a lots

8. Please … Down on this sofa!

9. "Happy birthday Hanum, we
wish you all the … wishes

10. Happy … Mom
You are everything for me. Love you always as great mother in the world forever and always

no ngasal

note : orang yg membuat gw gk jadi pensi sdh gk ada:(. jadi sekarang gw bisa pensi​

Quizzz bahasa inggris

Anto dan Rina adalah … Rounders dengan teman-teman mereka di taman sekarang.

= played ( Bermain )

Saya pendek, tetapi saudara perempuan saya …

= tall ( Tinggi )

Nenek saya terlihat tua, tetapi kakek saya masih terlihat …

= young ( Muda )

A: … apakah kamu bangun?

B: Pukul lima

= What's the time ( Jam berapa )

Saya selalu … Ibuku di dapur.

= accompany ( menemani )

Saya agak gemuk, saudara saya tidak. Dia adalah

= thin ( Kurus )

A: … Komik yang kamu punya?

B: Saya punya banyak

= how many ( berapa )

Tolong … Turun di sofa ini

= you ( kamu )

Selamat ulang tahun Hanum, kami

berharap Anda semua … keinginan

= come true ( Terkabul )

Selamat… Ibu

Kamu segalanya untukku. Mencintaimu selalu sebagai ibu yang hebat di dunia selamanya dan selalu

= birthday ( ulang tahun )



Jadikan Brainliest answer ya..

1. Anto and Rina are playing Rounders with their friends in the park now.

2. I am short, but my sister is tall

3. My grandmother looks old, but my grandpa still looks young

4. A : When do you get up?

B : At five o'clock

5. I always help My mom in the kitchen.

6. I am rather fat, my brother isn't. He is skinny

7. A: How many Comics do you have?

B: I have a lots

8. Please sit Down on this sofa!

9. "Happy birthday Hanum, we

wish you all the best wishes

10. Happy Mothers day, mom

You are everything for me. Love you always as great mother in the world forever and always