1. It is a sea creature. It is gelatinous and transparent. It looks like an umbrella with some tiny tentacles. It is not mobile as it floats along with the current. It can sting. It is a/an…
2. It is a school supply. We use it to measure the length of something or to draw a precise line.It can be 30 cm long, or shorter or longer than that. It is a/an…
3. It is a part of tree. It is light green and soft when it is young, and it's getting darker and harder when it's getting older. It will turn brown and brittle when it's dead. It is a/an…
4. It is an herbivorous animal. It has a very long neck and long legs. It is a/an…
5. It is a thing. It can be big or small, according to the size. It can be made of leather, fabric, rubber, or other materials. It consists of a pair of things, the left and right ones. We wear them on our foot. They are…
6. She is very old. Her hair has turned white. She usually has lost some of her tooth. She is a …
7. It is an animal. It is wild. It has tawny or orange coat with black stripes. It is a/an…
8. It is a thing. It is white and very light. It is also very thin. Its shape is usually rectangular. We write on it. It is a/an…
9. It is a nocturnal bird. It has large head and front-facing eyes. It has a unique hoot. It is a/an…
10. It can be a part of your school stuff. It can be thick or thin. It consists of pages. It is a/an…
Read the clue below then try to guess the name of the people, animal, or thing based on it!
1.It is a sea creature. It is gelatinous and transparent. It looks like an umbrella with some tiny tentacles. It is not mobile as it floats along with the current. It can sting. It is a/an…
=>Benda ini adalah makhluk laut. Ini bertekstur seperti gel dan transparan.Binatang ini terlihat seperti payung dengan beberapa tentakel kecil. Itu tidak bergerak karena mengapung bersama arus.Binatang ini bisa menyengat. Ini adalah
a jellyfish
2.It is a school supply. We use it to measure the length of something or to draw a precise line.It can be 30 cm long, or shorter or longer than that. It is a/an…
=>Ini adalah perlengkapan sekolah. Kami menggunakannya untuk mengukur panjang sesuatu atau menggambar garis yang tepat. Panjangnya bisa 30 cm, atau lebih pendek atau lebih panjang dari itu. Ini adalah sebuah/…
a ruler
3.It is a part of tree. It is light green and soft when it is young, and it's getting darker and harder when it's getting older. It will turn brown and brittle when it's dead. It is a/an…
=>Itu adalah bagian dari pohon. Warnanya hijau muda dan lembut saat masih muda, dan semakin gelap dan semakin keras saat semakin tua. Ini akan berubah menjadi coklat dan rapuh ketika sudah mati. Ini adalah
a leaf
4.It is an herbivorous animal. It has a very long neck and long legs. It is a/an…
=>Ini adalah hewan herbivora. Ia memiliki leher yang sangat panjang dan kaki yang panjang. Ini adalah
a giraffe
5.It is a thing. It can be big or small, according to the size. It can be made of leather, fabric, rubber, or other materials. It consists of a pair of things, the left and right ones. We wear them on our foot. They are…
=>Ini adalah sebuah benda.Bisa besar atau kecil, tergantung ukurannya. Itu bisa terbuat dari kulit, kain, karet, atau bahan lainnya. Terdiri dari sepasang benda, kiri dan kanan. Kami memakainya di kaki.Mereka adalah…
a shoes
6.She is very old. Her hair has turned white. She usually has lost some of her tooth. She is a …
=>Dia sangat tua. Rambutnya telah memutih. Dia biasanya kehilangan sebagian giginya. Dia adalah seorang …
a grandma
7.It is an animal. It is wild. It has tawny or orange coat with black stripes. It is a/an…
=>Ini adalah seekor binatang.Binatang ini liar.Binatang ini memiliki mantel kuning kecoklatan atau oranye dengan garis-garis hitam. Ini adalah
a tiger
8.It is a thing. It is white and very light. It is also very thin. Its shape is usually rectangular. We write on it. It is a/an…
=>Ini adalah hal. Warnanya putih dan sangat ringan. Ini juga sangat tipis. Bentuknya biasanya persegi panjang. Kami menulis di atasnya. Ini adalah sebuah
a paper
9.It is a nocturnal bird. It has large head and front-facing eyes. It has a unique hoot. It is a/an…
=>Ini adalah burung nokturnal. Ia memiliki kepala besar dan mata menghadap ke depan. Ia memiliki kicauan yang unik. Ini adalah
an owl
10.It can be a part of your school stuff. It can be thick or thin. It consists of pages. It is a/an…
=>Ini bisa menjadi bagian dari perlengkapan sekolah Anda. Itu bisa tebal atau tipis. Ini terdiri dari halaman-halaman.Ini adalah
a book