Read the compliments and match them with the responses by drawing a line.

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1. What a good mark.
2. Your composition very good.
3. Your answers are all correct.
4. She is the best singer.
5. It's very good that you submit your work on time.
6. You are very diligent.
7. What a cosy room.
8. The film is so interesting.


A. Really? Actually I have doubt about some of them.
B. Thanks, ma'am. I don't want to let you down.
C. Thanks. I studied hard for the test.
D. Oh, it's nothing. only try to use my time effectively.
E. I agree with you.Her voice is beautiful.
F. Thank you. I learned a lot from other authors.
G. Yes, it is.
H. Thanks.designed it to make the owner feel relaxed.

Tlng d jwb ya!!!…… Bserta artiny!!!

Read the compliments and match them with the responses by drawing a line.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. What a good mark.
= C. Thanks, I studied hard for the test.

2. Your composition very good.
= F. Thank you. I learned a lot from other authors.

3. Your answers are all correct.
= A. Really? Actually I have doubt about some of them.

4. She is the best singer.
= E. I agree with you.Her voice is beautiful.

5. It's very good that you submit your work on time.
= B. Thanks, ma'am. I don't want to let you down.

6. You are very diligent.
= D. Oh, it's nothing. Only try to use my time effectively.

7. What a cosy room.
= H. Thanks. Designed it to make the owner feel relaxed.

8. The film is so interesting.
= G. Yes, it is.

Artinya :
1. What a good mark.
= Nilai yang bagus.

2. Your composition very good.
= Karanganmu sangat bagus.

3. Your answers are all correct.
= Jawabanmu semuanya benar.

4. She is the best singer.
= Dia(perempuan) adalah penyayi yang terbaik.

5. It's very good that you submit your work on time.
= Sangat bagus Anda menyerahkan tugas Anda tepat waktu.

6. You are very diligent.
= Kamu sangat rajin.

7. What a cosy room.
= Ruang yang nyaman.

8. The film is so interesting.
= Film nya sangat menarik.

A. Really? Actually I have doubt about some of them.
= Benarkah? Sebenarnya saya meragukan beberapa diantaranya.

B. Thanks, ma'am. I don't want to let you down.
= Terimakasih, bu. Saya tidak mau membuat Anda kecewa.

C. Thanks. I studied hard for the test.
= Terimakasih. Saya telah belajar keras untuk tes nya.

D. Oh, it's nothing. only try to use my time effectively.
= Oh, bukan apa apa. Hanya mencoba menggunakan waktu saya dengan efektif.

E. I agree with you. Her voice is beautiful.
= Saya setuju dengan kamu. Suara dia(perempuan) sangat indah.

F. Thank you. I learned a lot from other authors.
= Terimakasih. Saya telah belajar banyak dari pengarang pengarang lainnya.

G. Yes, it is.
= Ya.

H. Thanks.designed it to make the owner feel relaxed.
= Terimakasih. Didesain untuk membuat pemiliknya merasa santai.

*Semoga membantu

1. What a good mark(nilai bagus) : C. Thanks. I studied hard for the test(trim. Aku bekerja keras untuk tes)
2. Your composition very good(komposisimu bagus) : G. Yes, it is( ya ini)
3. Your answers are all correct(jawbnmu benar semua) : A. Really? Actually I have doubt about some of them(benarkah? Sebenrny aku ragu beberapa)
4. She is the best singer(dia penyanyi terbaik) : E. I agree with you.Her voice is beautiful(aku setju dgmu. Suaranya indah)
5. It's very good that you submit your work on time(ini sgt bgus kamu mgumplkn tugas tpt waktu) : D. Oh, it's nothing. only try to use my time effectively( oh tdk, hnya berusha menggunkn waktuku dg efektiv)
6. You are very diligent(kami sgt rajn) : B. Thanks, ma'am. I don't want to let you down( trim bu, i tdk ingin mengecewaknmu)
7. What a cosy room(ruangan yg menyengkn) : H. Thanks.designed it to make the owner feel relaxed(trim, in didesain untk mbuat pemilik santai)
8. The film is so interesting(filmnya sgt menarik) : F. Thank you. I learned a lot from other authors(trim. Aku belajar banyak dr penulis lain