Read the following dialogue carefuly,

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Dayu Good morning, Lina Are you OK? You look very pale.
Lina Hi, Dayu. I'm very tired because I helped my Mom yesterday, and I missed my dinner
Dayu Have you have your breakfast? I suggest you to take a rest,
Lina Yes, I have. You're right Dayu, I will take some rests
Dayu You don't need to go to school if you are not feeling good.
Una :1 know that, but today is the last day to take Math test.
Dayu Well, good luck Lina. And don't forget to take a rest after the test and don't miss your lunch
Lina OK, thank you Dayu.
Complete the following sentences by using modal verbs that show instruction and
obligation (must, must not, should, should not). (Question num. 7-10)
7. Dayu said that Lina – go to school if Lina is not feeling good.
Lina go to school because she … take Math test.
9. Una
Una miss her lunch
10. Dayu suggest Lina that una … take a rest.​

Read the following dialogue carefuly,


7. Should

8. Must

9. Must not

10. Should


Must — harus

Should — sebaiknya

Maaf yaa jika kurang membantu penjelasannya.