Read the following sentences. Circle the adjectives and underline the nouns they describe.

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1. The table was long and narrow.
2. The guests arrived in beautiful clothing and full of lively conversation.​

Read the following sentences. Circle the adjectives and underline the nouns they describe.


1. Adjective : long and narrow.

Noun : The table.

2. Adjective : Bbeautiful and full of lively.

Noun : The guest.

Penjelasan: Adjective adalah kata sifat. sedangkan Noun berarti kata benda.

pada pertanyaan no. 1 . The table was long and narrow. yang artinya meja tadi panjang dan sempit. Kata sifat dari kalimat itu adalah panjang dan sempit (long and narrow) dan kata bendanya adalah meja (the table).