Read the sentences and translate them into English! Don’t forget use future perfect tense ( will/will not

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+ have + V3)!
1. John sudah akan selesai mengerjakan pekerjaaannya menjelang akhir minggu ini.
2. Menjelang minggu depan , saya akan selesai membaca buku ini.
3. George sudah akan sampai di kantor pada jam 08.45 a.m.
4. Kami sudah akan mendapat rumah baru menjelang akhir tahun ini.
5. Dia akan membayar hutangnya menjelang bulan depan​

Read the sentences and translate them into English! Don’t forget use future perfect tense ( will/will not


John would have finished his work by the end of the week. 2. By next week, I will finish reading this book. 3. George will arrive at the office at 08.45 a.m. 4. We will have a new house by the end of this year. 5. He will pay off his debt by next month.