Read the text carefully!

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Today, Mrs.Julie asks her daughter, Firya to go for shopping to the supermarket. She asks her to buy their daily needs. There are many things that Mrs.Julie has to buy and Mrs.Julie writes a shopping list.

Firya chooses "Murah dan Bagus" supermarket as a place for shopping. After arriving at the daily stall, she chooses the things mentioned in the shopping list. Then, she pays them at the cashier. 
Answer the questions bellow!
1. What does Mrs.Julie ask Firya to?
2. What does Firya have to buy?
3. Does Mrs.Julie write a shopping list for Firya?
4. Which supermarket does Firya choose?
5. Where does Firya pay the goods?
Read the price bellow!
1. Rp.29.000 = …
2. Rp.54.000 = …
3. Rp.79.000 = …
4. Rp. 174.000 = …
5. Rp. 6.400 = …​

Read the text carefully!

Arti dari teks di atas:

Hari ini, Bu Julie mengajak putrinya, Firya untuk berbelanja ke supermarket. Dia memintanya untuk membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka. Ada banyak barang yang harus dibeli Bu Julie dan Bu Julie menulis daftar belanjaan.

Firya memilih supermarket "Murah dan Bagus" sebagai tempat berbelanja. Setelah sampai di warung harian, dia memilih barang-barang yang disebutkan di daftar belanjaan. Kemudian, dia membayarnya di kasir.

Jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini!

1. Apa yang Bu Julie minta Firya?

2. Apa yang harus dibeli Firya?

3. Apakah Bu Julie yang menulis daftar belanja untuk Firya?

4. Supermarket mana yang dipilih Firya?

5. Dimana Firya membayar barang?


Baca harganya di bawah ini!

1. Rp.29.000 = …

2. Rp 54.000 = …

3. Rp 79.000 = …

4. Rp. 174.000 = …

5. Rp. 6.400 = …


1. Mrs.Julie asks her daughter, Firya to

go for shopping to the supermarket.

2.She asks her to buy their daily needs.

3.There are many things that Mrs.Julie has to buy and Mrs.Julie writes a shopping list.

4.Firya chooses"murah dan bagus" supermarket as a place for shopping

5.Then, she pays them at the cashier.

Read the price bellow!

1. Rp.29.000 = twenty nine thousand

2. Rp.54.000 = Fifty four thousand

3. Rp.79.000 = Seventy nine thousand

4. Rp. 174.000 = One hundred seventy four thousand

5. Rp. 6.400 = Six thousand four hundred

Maaf kalau salah 🙂