Rearrange the jumbled expressions into a good dialog.

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•You too And have a nice traveling.
•Oh, Bunga. Nothing happens to me
•Well, I am going to visit my grandma in Bandung this afternoon
•My dad and mom have been waiting for me at home
•Hey, Sekar! You look in a hurry. What happens to you?
•Okay, great Happy weekend, then.
•Would you like to go there by car or by train?
•I still don't have any plan to do I may just stay at home with my family
•If so, why are you in a hurry?
•By train. I think it will more comfortable and faster. Don't you think so?
•Yes. I think so because there will no traffic jam, right?
•Yes, you are right. By the way, what do you intend to do this weekend?


Rearrange the jumbled expressions into a good dialog.


Bunga:Hey, Sekar! You look in a hurry. What happens to you?

Sekar:Oh, Bunga. Nothing happens to me

B:If so, why are you in a hurry

S:Well, I am going to visit my grandma in Bandung this afternoon

b:Would you like to go there by car or by train?

s:By train. I think it will more comfortable and faster. Don't you think so?

b:Yes. I think so because there will no traffic jam, right?

s:Yes, you are right. By the way, what do you intend to do this weekend?

b:I still don't have any plan to do I may just stay at home with my family

s:Okay, great Happy weekend, then.

b:You too And have a nice traveling.


Sepertinya yang bagian "Dad and mom have been waiting for me at home" aku tidak isi tapi Inshaa Allah benar