Recount text tentang pengalaman buruk minimal 200 kata yah

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Recount text tentang pengalaman buruk minimal 200 kata yah

raids mobile phone alert
The morning was slightly overcast skies , but the birds around the
school singing merrily as if indicating no rain will come this morning
unlike yesterday .

a little unsteady steps I entered the school gates there are two I have
struggled with the book for more than three semesters . Not until I'm in front of the classroom door bell rang sign -hour lesson was about to begin . In my heart I say " thanks this day I'm not too late " .

going in I was looking around , seen some other clusters graders
whispering like to talk about something very important . I faintly hear their conversation "Watch someone said today there will be raids mobile phone " . I then went directly regardless of their conversation again .

In the classroom Sista suddenly whispered to me " did you bring hp , hear – hear there will be a raid ? " Then I replied with a curt " Gossip ! , I bring , this ! " ( while showing me her phone ) . " Crazy you ! Real Today there will be a raid , none of the students
who dared to bring mobile phones into the classroom " ( while patting my
shoulder out loud )

Inadvertently , I hold a cell phone fell to the floor . I have not had time to take it all of a sudden a teacher has been in front of us and immediately took my hp . Finally , my favorite phone should I Relax confiscated by the teacher .

day became the worst day of my life where I was last night just broken
up with my girlfriend and can not communicate for a full month since I
have confiscated cell phones at school .